ABC of Porcelain Painting

Here is a valuable book written by Henk de Vries from Netherland who sent it to me with permission to publish. He also sent me additional information which I inserted into the old version.

Visit: The China Painting Dictionary

I also added another section with information I have gathered through the years. Work in progress….Visit: Sol Labos Brien Dictionary (coming soon)

Here is how to build an armrest Meissen style

All about Gold by Sol Labos Brien


1 – Passementerie #1 by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)

2 – Passementerie #2 by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)

3 – Passementerie #3 by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)

4 – The Emerald by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)

5- Poinsettias by Eloise Turnbull

6 – Summers bounty by Elizabeth Fry

7- Study Anemones by Sol Labos Brien

8- Study Harlequin by Sol Labos Brien

9- Study Elephant paisley by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)

10 – Bonbon box by Eloise Turnbull

11 – Black Horse by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)

12 – Gold Scrolls in one fire by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)

13 – Checkered Mask by Sol Labos Brien (bilingual)